Young Martha Dandridge Custis

Young Martha Dandridge Custis

Friday, January 22, 2016

Deer Hunting Bonazana- 1867

The forests in the vicinity of New Kent Courthouse, always a famous resort for deer, are said to be filled with this favorite game to a greater extent the present season than ever. Large numbers have fallen at the crack of the huntsman's rifle, and a day or two since one expert killed two at once with a double hand gun.
-Alexandria Gazette- August 29, 1867

Deer are in New Kent to a greater extent this season than has been known for many years. A party of gentlemen residing in the vicinity of the court-house succeeded last week in killing five. Among the number was a noble buck weighing 143 pounds.
-Alexandria Gazette- November 7, 1867

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Overseeing the Poor- 1866

On a chilly night . . .

WOOD FOR SALE- We will sell, at New Kent Courthouse, on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY NEXT, about FOUR THOUSAND CORDS OF PINE WOOD, situated on the Poor-house land, near New Kent Courthouse, and within two and a half miles of a good landing on the Pamunkey river.
TERMS: Made known on day of sale.
                                                                               JOHN T. HARRIS,
                                                                               JOHN MAYO,
                                                                               JAMES N. GODDIN,
                                                                               WM. R. TUNSTALL.
                                                                                 Overseers of Poor.

-Richmond Daily Dispatch-December 22, 1865