Army scenes on the Chickahominy

Army scenes on the Chickahominy
Harper''s pictorial history of the Civil War. (Chicago : Star Publishing Co. 1866)

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Plentiful as Rabbits - 1920



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The hunting season for deer will soon open in New Kent and they are as plentiful as rabbits. All are surprised to see several white deer among the herds. One lady while riding out on her farm on horseback was badly frightened when three of the white beauties jumped into the road ahead of her horse. The horse bolted, carrying the fair rider over fences and ditches, but being an expert rider she kept her seat until safe at home.

-West Point News, 30 July 1920

I did not know this until researching this piece that a piebald deer is entirely different than an albino one. From . . .

Piebald deer are deer that have blotches of white coloration on portions of their hide that are usually dark in color. Albino deer are deer that lack pigmentation and have a completely white hide and pink eyes, nose and hooves.

For more information on piebald and albino deer here and here