Nearly $2,000 Will He Given for Richmond-Newport News Highway.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
Roxbury, Va.. February 10.-There was a full attendance of the members at a meeting of the New Kent Board of Supervisors held at the courthouse on Tuesday. After several matters of routine interest were disposed of the subject of the proposed highway from Richmond to Newport News was discussed. Each of the four districts in the county promised to give $200; by private subscriptions the amount of $1,000 was raised, and the board agreed to allow four months' work of the county teams and employees. It was also decided that the county shall ask appropriation from the State to equal that made by the county. The subscriptions and time allowed means more than $2,000 for this county. The route of the proposed highway could not better please the residents of New Kent, as it will traverse the entire, length of the county, a distance of thirty-two miles.
Times Dispatch, 11 February 1911
Office of State Highway Commission.
Richmond. Va., April 6. 1911.
Bid will be received at this of office 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, for the construction of about ten miles of sand-clay road in New Kent county from New Kent Courthouse to the James City county and about six in James City county from the New Kent count line to Toano.
Specification on file at this office.
Certified check for $250.00 to accompany each bid.
Further information furnished on application to the undersigned.
The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.
P. St. J. Wilson.
State Highway Commissioner
Virginia Gazette(Williamsburg), 20 April 1911