Young Martha Dandridge Custis

Young Martha Dandridge Custis

Monday, August 6, 2018

Roster of New Kent Cavalry, Co. F, Third Virginia Cavalry Regiment

A simplified roster, a more complete one to follow, of the troop known as the New Kent Cavalry also known as the New Kent Dragoons, first Capt. Melville Vaiden's company of cavalry, later Co. K, then Co. F, of the Third Virginia Cavalry regiment.


Capt. Melville Vaiden - Original commander- died Dec. 1861

Capt. Telemachus Taylor - May 1862—resigned due to illness July 1862

Capt. Jones R. Christian - Elected 2nd Lt. Apr. ’62 promoted Captain Dec. ‘62- captured May 18, 1864

Brumley, George T., 1st Lt. (1st Sgt. elected 1st Lt. –Jun. ’61,– resigned Aug 1861)                

Clopton, William E., 1st Lt. (promoted 2nd Lt.- Sept. ’61, promoted 1st Lt.- Apr.. ’62, resigned Sept. 1862. Captured July 1, 1863, exchanged Mar. 1864)

Lacy, Benjamin W., 1st Lt. (promoted 1st Sgt. Sept. ’61- 1st Lt. – Jan. ’63)

Chandler, Oliver M., 2nd Lt. (orig. 1st Sgt., 3rd Lt.- Sept. ’61, 2nd  Lt. - Feb. ’62, discharged Apr. ’62.)

Christian, James S., 2nd Lt. (promoted 2nd Sgt. Feb. ’62, elected 2nd Lt. – Apr. ‘62 – Killed Sept. 15, ’62, Boonsboro, MD)

Crump, Edgar M. 2nd Lt. (elected 3rd Lt. Jan. ’63, promoted 2nd Lt. Aug. ’63)
McCheny, R., Lt.

Stamper, Henry W., 2nd Lt. (elected from Sgt. Jan. ‘63- resigned commission June 1863 effective Aug.)

Savage, Southey L., 2nd Lt. (promoted Feb. 1862. April ‘62 attached to the Adjutant and Inspector-General's Department of the CS Army.)

Non-commissioned Officers

Apperson, Robert C., Sgt.
Apperson, Samuel H., Sgt.          
Bland, Robert E., Sgt.     
Calthorn, M.A., Sgt.       
Christian, William, Sgt.
Jones, Chesley M., Sgt.
Minor, Ed C., 1st Sgt.
Tyree, George W., Sgt.
Royster, J.J., Sgt.
Williams, James C., Sgt.
Apperson, John C., Cpl.                
Bradenham, John R., Cpl.
Hicks, William A., Cpl.    
Mills, Archer W., Cpl.     
Pollard, William A., Cpl.
Royster, Littleton, Cpl.
Sherman, Michael, Cpl.

Marston, William W., Surgeon
Slater, Leonard A., Surgeon
Gregory, William T., Surgeon
Wilkinson, William L., Quarter Master


Adkins, W.F.                      
Apperson, William A.     
Atkinson, Frank               
Atkinson, Henry A.         
Atkinson, William E.       
Baldwin, George T.         
Ballard, William                
Blayton, John
Blayton, William A.
Boswell, James W
Boyd, George G.                             
Bradley, Pleasant            
Bradley, R.         
Bradley, Robert               
Burnett, Washington     
Burr, Henry D.
Christian, Armistead                      
Christian, John D., Jr.     
Christian, Robert O.       
Christian, William C.       
Clark, Wm. Alpheus       
Clarke, Richard A.            
Clarke, William R.                            
Coke, W.A.        
Cook, William E.               
Crump, D. W.                    
Crump, George T.           
Crump, H. Clay
Crump, Hammond F.     
Crump, John W.
Crump, L.            
Crump, Z. Taylor
Cumber, Wm. N.  - bugler           
Dandridge, Bat C.            
Davis, John A.   
Davis, William B.              
Dell, John D.      
Dixon, Richardson           
Elliott, Walter A.              
Ellyson, Alfred B.             
Ellyson, D.B.      
Ellyson, Lemuel G.
Ellyson, Samuel W.         
Eppes, Edward C.            
Estes, John M.  
Farley, Richard G.            
Faunholt, L. (sic)              
Frayser, Richard E. – promoted Signal Corps, Capt. on Staff of J.E.B Stuart            
Gilliam, Thomas Q.         
Gilliam, William O.           
Gills, G.A.           
Goddin, John    
Griffith, W.H.    
Gunn, James M.              
Harman, Benjamin         
Haynes, W.G.   
Hill, Beverly W.
Hill, George W.
Hill, John A.        
Hubbard, Benjamin C.   
Hubbard, Bowles S.        
Hubbard, J.S.    
Hubbard, R.H.   
Hubbard, William N.       
Johnston, J. Silas             
Jones, William W.                            
Lacy, P. F.           
Lacy, Richard Terrell                
Lacy, Theophilus S.         
Larus, T. P.         
Lipscombe, James          
McKenzie, James M.     
Meanly, John P.               
Mills, William P.                
Moseley, Benjamin        
Mosely, Robert                
Odell, John D.   
Osborne, John W.           
Parkinson, John F.          
Parkinson, Joseph W.    
Parr, John           
Parrish, John B.                
Perkins, W.G.   
Perkinson, J.F.  
Pierce, Joseph
Poe, John
Pomfrey, George M.
Pomfrey, William A.
Rabineau, William
Ratcliffe, William T.
Richardson, Colas
Richardson, John A.
Slater, John S.
Spencer, James D.
Stewart, Robert F.
Talbott, Charles H.
Talley, Richard W.
Taylor, Robert S.
Terrell, William A.
Timberlake, James P.
Turner, Edmund P. – promoted to Staff of Gen. Magruder 1861, later went with him to the Trans-Mississippi Dept.
Turner, George W.
Turner, Hezekiah
Vaiden, Galba
Vaiden, John B.
Vaiden, Micajah
Vaiden, Vulosko
Vaughan, William H.
Waddill, Littlebury G.
Walker, Harman B,
Waring, C.
Waring, T.B.
Waring, T.H.
Waring, William H.
White, W.
White, William F.
Whitlock, Robert
Wilkinson, Lee
Wilks, Christopher T.
Williams, R.L.
Willis, R.A.
Woodward, West
Wright, G.B.
Young, Henry

Sunday, August 5, 2018

"Camp Orapax is built around three sides of a valley."

The State Boys' Camp of the Y.M.C.A. will open Wednesday when 100 boys leaders in the HI-Y club in the high schools throughout the State gather for ten days of camping and intensive training in leadership and recreational activities. 
The camp, know as "Orapax," is situated in New Kent County near Bottoms' Bridge. It is the the gift to the state association of St. John Duval, and it has been equipped through contributions of people from nearly every part of Virginia. It is expected that the Central "Y," community fund agency, will make the most use of it because of its proximity to the city. 
Camp Orapax is built around three sides of a valley. In the valley is a lake to be used for swimming and boating. On one side a large mess hall, with ample facilities for feeding hungry, growing boys, with refrigeration, ranges and all the equipment of an up-to-date kitchen. At the head of the valley a large assembly hall is to be built in circular form, with provision for a council fire in the center.

-Richmond Times Dispatch, June 14, 1926