Steps to Prevent Spread of Smallpox In New Kent County.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
New Kent, Va., May 25.-The local Board of Health of New Kent county met at the courthouse yesterday to take such steps as are necessary to prevent the spread of smallpox in the county. Dr. C.L. Bailey, Dr. U.H. Johnson, Dr. J.R. Parker, W.P. T. Tunstall and T.N. Harris, members, composing the board, were present, and ordered that all persons in the two districts in which the disease exists be vaccinated, the expense of such vaccination to be born by the county.
There are only three cases in this county fully developed and several suspected of being infected.
-Times Dispatch, 26 May 1912
In 1912 there were 20,190 cases of smallpox in the United States resulting in 235 deaths.