HAVING sold my farm in the County of New Kent, I will offer for sale, at public auction, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of the present month, (November,) commencing at 10 o'clock, (if fair, if not, the next fair day.) all the Crops, Stock and Farming Implements of every kind on the place, consisting of between 500 and 600 barrels of Corn, Blade and Top Fodder. Shucks. Hay, Sheaf and Seed Oats, Wheat and Oat Straw: Horses and Mules the most of them young and large; Cows Oxen, Hogs, &c; Farming Implements of every kind; together with one first rate Threshing Machine; two Wheat Fans nearly new; one Corn Sheller; one Cutting Box; one Grind Stone; two Penitentiary made Wagons(???); two Ox Carts: Horse Cart; Whip and Cross Cut Saws; Carpenters' Tools, &c.
TERMS OF SALE.—All sums under $20, cash: that amount and over, six months credit, the purchaser giving bond with approved security.
no2o—td* JOHN GEORGE.
of the personal Estate, advertised by John George, Esq., (say 10 o'clock,) will be sold, the valuable Farm recently owned by him, containing 1096 acres, according to recent survey. It lies on the main road leading from Richmond to New Kent Court House, 15 miles distant from the former. The place is so well known, and its productiveness as a farm so well established, that a further description is deemed unnecessary. The present owners having changed their determination with respect to settling, prefer to sell it.
The terms accommodating, and made known at the hour of sale.
GODDIN & APPERSON, Auctioneers.
P.S. Immediately after the sale of the Land, and before the sale of the perishable Estate, will be sold 24 valuable Slaves,belonging to John George, Esq —Among them are some valuable men, boys and girls,and all of them, with two exceptions, are young and likely.
Terms- Six months credit, for approved, endorsed negotiable note, with interest added.
no 21 GODDIN & APPERSON, Aucts.
Mr. GEORGE having concluded not to sell the Negroes, they will not be offered, as advertised GODDIN & APPERSON. Aucts.
no 23
The Daily Dispatch(Richmond), November 22, 1854
. . . BUT . . .
NEGROES FOR HIRE —For hire for the remainder of the and for the next year, 6 men, good farm hands, drivers and managers of horses; 4 boys, from 10 to 14 years of age, and 2 girls, one about 14 and the other about 11 years old; the last will be put out to a good home for food and clothing. Also one old man, who would be very useful about a stable in cutting and preparing feed for horses. Apply to the subscriber on Marshall, near 3d Street. de3—3t* JOHN GEORGE.
The Daily Dispatch(Richmond), December 11, 1854
According to the 1850 Census, John George owned some 27 slaves in New Kent.
I assume that this is the John George
resident in the city of Richmond at the time living on the corner of 3rd and Marshall, son of Major Byrd George and Mary Garthright. John George would die in November of the following year.