Young Martha Dandridge Custis

Young Martha Dandridge Custis

Friday, November 25, 2022




                     (By J. A. Wright.) 

ROXBURY, VA., Dec. 1—(Special to The Evening Journal).—Thanksgiving Day was generally observed in New Kent. Fox hunting parties were out as usual. The sport was fine, but the same old fox I spoke of before, after six hours of hard running, got away again and is yet roaming at will.

Among those in the chase, with fine dogs, were L. J. Boze. Willie and George Ellyson. R. F. Nantx(sic), Parker Shearwood and others. 

The fair sex all had fine Thanksgiving dinners with their friends and loved ones. 

Circuit Court for New Kent ended Friday after being in session four days. Several criminal cases were disposed of this term. 

Mr. R.W. Nantx. who holds a responsible position at the Hopewell powder plant, has returned to his place of business. He speaks of great things being done there, but reports of the disorderly element are greatly overrated. 

Miss Sammis Provo, of Liberty Hall, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Richardson in Richmond. 

Miss Ida Bailey, of Locust Grove, has accepted a position in Richmond. 

Messrs. Charles Palmatrio and James Wright were in Richmond last Wednesday on business 

R. T. Clarke, one of New Kent's oldest and most respected citizens, is ill at his home, near Quinton.

- The Evening Journal (Richmond),  1 December 1915

Monday, November 21, 2022

"Six Days in the Woods" - 1961

Schools Close for Hunting
Providence Forge, VA.,
Nov. 22 (AP)- Schools in game-rich Charles City and Kent Counties shouldn't be plagued too much this year with truants during the hunting season. Pupils were given this entire week off. 
Schools boards in the two counties granted a three-day holiday the first of the week to coincide with the hunting season. With the traditional two-day Thanksgiving holiday and Saturday, the young hunters have six days in the woods. 
G.M. Hodge, Superintendent of Schools in both counties, said the pupils always get a three day holiday when teachers attend workshop sessions. These workshops were scheduled to coincide with the start of hunting season in an attempt to cut down on the usual absentee rate.

-The Washington Post, Nov 23, 1961

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Car Theft, Poor Hunting and the Sad Effect of the Dog Tax - 100 Years Ago



Everything seems quiet here; the bootlegger has gone from this section, it is reported, so have the  prohibition officers. Let all go. As long as my neighbors keep on hand the juice of the grape and blackberry for home use I need not worry. Crowds of New Kent people went to Richmond Saturday to celebrate Armistice Lay. The weather and roads were fine. All report a great time. One young man who went up in his nice new car tells of an experience that nearly cost him his $2,000 car. He said he stopped in front of Miller & Rhoads to make a small purchase and was in the store only a little while. When he returned to get his car, or the one he thought was his, he found seated in it, at the wheel, a beautiful lady with a child by her side. “That is my car, I think,” said the young man to himself, but mine had no lady left in it.” He went past to see if he made a mistake and thought of a piece of wire he had picked up in the road on the way to Richmond and made fast to the side of the car, as he might need it. He returned; there he found the wire as he had left it. He politely told the lady it was his car. "Please excuse me,” she said, “I was so tired I just wanted to rest ” She politely got out with the child and begged to be forgiven. Of course she was. The young man said he noticed two finely dressed and handsome young men who would walk back and forth and look in the store then at the lady in the car, who seemed to be an up-to-date flapper. Had he stayed a few minutes longer, at some given signal from the men the tired beauty would have been on the way to North Carolina. Of course she was only used as a decoy for the men who watched him so closely. But he is now at home, so is his car, and he is happy. Two new cars have been stolen in Richmond owned in New Kent: one was Mr. R. T. Southall’s, the other that of Mr. Elwood Mountcastle, which never have been recovered, or ever will be, as it happened twelve months ago. There is now much sickness in this section. Scarlet fever and diphtheria that have been in many homes now seem to be under control of medical skill and only a few cases are reported. There has been only one death, that of Littleberry Tunstall. Mrs. R. T. Provo, is ill at her home, “Liberty Hall.” She is 72 years old and little hope is entertained for her recovery. Her daughters, Mrs. Grover Richardson, Mrs. Linwood Bailey, Mrs. A.R. Moore, and Mrs. Garthwright of Richmond are with her. For the first time for many months the supervisors have a force of hands on the roads doing some fine work. There are two new overseers over the force. Hugh P. Fisher for St. Peters district and Rosser Moran for Black Creek. Both young men are experts in trench digging. This they learned when overseas. Both are proving expert road builders. No better choice could have been made by the supervisors, as they proved brave boys in the World War and deserve all that is good, for it is only the brave deserve the fair.

Cold and dry weather is making hunting a failure. Thus far little game has been found of any kind. Rabbits and deer, so plentiful last year, have left this section apparently; very few partridges are ever seen afield should not be killed. Where is that familiar sound so often heard to rise in years gone by? At daylight on every hand could be heard the calls of Bob White. Never hear them now; foxes, minks and cats, with the pot hunter, have driven them away or destroyed their nests and the young birds. This dog law is good in some cases but when the fox hunter had to kill his fine pack of fox dogs then old Reynard had his day. We can not afford to pay $3 for a female to raise from. As soon as born all females are destroyed. I have seen seven or eight beautiful fox dogs killed at one time, seven thoroughbred Gordon and Irish setters drowned from one litter — can not pay the tax. Let the foxes take charge of all fowl and game. 

Truthful Jeems.

-West Point News, 17 November 1922

The dog law referred to . . .

H.L. Baker, of Buckingham and Cumberland, put through what is known as the Baker Dog Law, Chapter 390, Acts of 1918, regarded as the most comprehensive legislation of its kind in the United States.
The Baker law makes it mandatory for each person owning or having a dog under his or her control, or upon the promises upon which he or she resides, on the first day of February in each year to pay a tax of one dollar on a male, and of three dollars on a female, and should an unlicensed dog come into his or her possession, or a puppy become six months of age after the first day of February in any year, then the license tax must forthwith be paid. Commissioners of the Revenue are required to list all dogs for taxation, and the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries is especially charged with enforcing the law, which became effective July 1, 1919.

 -Front Royal Record, 20 October 1922

Friday, November 18, 2022

Returning Heroes 1919- Pt. III


New Kent News 

ROXBURY, VA July K.—August 7 has been set as the date for the big home-coming reception to be tendered the fighting men of our section and arrangements are being made to have the occasion one of the biggest events ever held in New Kent county. The whole county is urged to take part. Music, both vocal and instrumental, will enliven the occasion, it is expected that prominent speakers will be present, A dinner will be served the boys in the evening. Members of the Red Cross chapters of the county win that they ere amply provided With the good things for which old Virginia is famed. Every white soldier of New Kent is expected to be present and bring with him those he holds most dear. Arrangements have been made to take care of New Kent’s colored soldiers at a date which leading members of their race will shortly announce. This is a county celebration and the whole county is asked to give it full support.

-Evening Journal,  15 July 1919

 New Kent Welcomes Soldiers. 

WEST POINT. VA . August 8 Thursday was a gala day at New Kent Courthouse, when the county and surrounding counties met to honor the  returning soldiers in a great picnic, giving to the soldiers and their friends a cordial welcome. Notwithstanding the very hot weather people from all over the section and from Richmond were astir early to attend the rally. Many West Point people went. 

-Richmond Times-Dispatch, 8 August 1919

You will notice that despite the "whole county being urged to take part," the homecoming celebration was segregated. Unfortunately I have been unable to find any mention of any other celebration. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Returning Heroes 1919- Pt. II



Picnic to Be Spread at Courthouse in Honor of War Veterans. 

Roxbury, Va-, June 7.—(Special.)— 

 New Kent county soldiers, who faced two sets of enemies, the Huns and the cooties, have returned from overseas, having taken part in the recent homecoming parades in RICHMOND. Some of the boys have already gotten hold of the plow handles and now helping to reduce the high cost of living. Several of the boys are stronger and better physically than when they left home.

 Rosser L. Provo, youngest son of R.O.(sic) Provo, of Quinton, is among the world war veterans now at home. He became a member of the Richmond fire department when he was 18 years old and served two years in the position before joining the colors of his country and receiving military training at Camp Lee. He is a crack rifle shot. 

 He has doffed his uniform for overalls to aid his only brother in a corn crop. He will resume his position as a member of the Richmond fire department next Monday.

 Hugh Fisher, Son of G.E. Fisher, county treasurer, has also returned from France and resumed work on his father’s farm. Hugh saw some pf the hardest fighting and went “over the top" three times, not being wounded a single time. He was promoted to the position of sergeant.

 New Kent county citizens are now planning to give a big picnic in honor of the returned heroes. The picnic will be held at the county courthouse. 

-News Leader, 7 June 1919

Hugh Pearson Fisher(28 Apr 1894-29 Mar 1968)  was a 23 year old farmer when called up in 1917. The Find a Grave link on his name above has a nice bio as well as a photograph of him in his uniform. He was a Sergeant in Co. F, 318 Infantry Regiment.

New Kent News 

QUINTON. VA., July 3.—Board of Supervisors met at the courthouse Tuesday and great preparations are being made for a picnic to be given of the boys from overseas by New Kent folks.

 Red Cross will give a moving picture show at Quinton school house - Monday evening. July 7, at 1:30 o'clock. An address will be made-by an overseas veteran. 

 Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Tunstall are quite sick at their home near Roxbury. Mr. Tunstall was badly hurt by a young mule.

 R.D. Provo, who has been in a hospital in Richmond where a delicate operation was performed, is now home.

 Our young men have returned home and gone to farming. Among those who have put aside the uniform and who are wearing overalls are: Hugh Fisher, R.E Provo, Gilbert Black, Sterling and Forest Atchison.  Messrs. Wood and Higgins, of Quinton, served in the Eightieth division and were in five hard-fought battles. The Hun bullets, failed to stop them, but cupid captured them single-handed. They were married Tuesday to two sisters, daughters  of Mr. and Mrs. George Mantlo, of Quinton. 

-Evening Journal,  3 July 1919

The Wood and Higgins mentioned above have to be Euric Hamilton Higgins and Myrtland Peace Wood who married  Minnie and Ruby Mantlo daughters of George Edward Mantlo on June 18, 1919 in New Kent.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Returning Heroes 1919



 QUINTON. VA.. May 31— While a large number of young men, both white and colored, from this section was in the hardest fighting, only one was killed —Young Timberlake*. Rosser Provo, of the Twenty-ninth division, after two years- service, arrived home Friday, He tails of the deeds of daring done by the American boys. While he is a fine shot, he modestly tells of his own experiences, but others tell of his deadly aim as a sharpshooter. He has two slight wounds on one arm and the effects of the deadly gas is shown on his hands Though quite young, he left New Kent and joined the Richmond fire department. This he left to go overseas to fight for his country. Of fifteen young men who left with him only five returned. 

R.D. Provo, of Quinton, who was taken to Richmond a few days ago for an operation, reported in a critical condition with little hope of recovery. A grand reception will be given the New Kent boys when they return home by friends and relatives. The exercises will be held at the courthouse in their honor. A fine dinner will be provided.

-Evening Journal (Richmond), 31 May 1919

*That is James Whitfield Timberlake of Barhamsville. A 27 year old box maker living in Richmond. The son of James Lycurgus and Harriet Timberlake, James was a Marine of the 6 USMC Regiment. He is listed as dying of wounds on 19 June 1918 which matches up with the regiment's participation in  the Aisne-Marne Offensive. He is buried at the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery and Memorial.

Rosser Edward Provo, 26, had been a fireman at Station 13 in Richmond. R.D. Provo is, I assume, his father Robert Dawson Provo who lived until 1935.  Rosser Provo died in 1983 at the age of 86.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

"A Mile a Minute" 1905


                                    FAST MAIL TRAIN KILL TWO MEN

          White Farmer and Negro Track Walker Are Instantly Killed.

                               GO TO MEET FLYER ON VELOCIPEDE CAR

Mystery Surrounds the Accident. Track Walker Knew of Approaching Express. Engineer Says Neither Man Made Any Move to Escape Death.


 Mr. A.A. Laudell, a farmer, and William Winfred, a colored track walker in the employ of the railroad, were struck by Chesapeake and Ohio train No. 8 on yesterday afternoon and Instantly killed.

 The scene of the accident was one-half a mile east of Windsor Shades. The men were upon the velocipede car belonging to the section master of the division, and, strange as it may seem, were going west to meet the approaching train. 

 The fast flyer of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway left the Main Street station, at Richmond 4 P.M. on his usual race to Newport News. A mile a minute is no unusual speed for No. 8 to make on straight stretches.

 After leaving Windsor Shades the engineer, Mr. Chalkley, on engine No. 71 saw on the straight track ahead of him a hand-car containing two men. It was impossible to stop the fast moving train, and besides he thought the men on the car would certainly jump to save their lives. They made not the slightest movement, however, for safety, and simply advanced to met their death. The straight stretch of track is of some length at this point; the sound of an approaching train can be heard there for a great, distance, and William Winfred, the track walker, was familiar with the train schedules and was aware that the fast train was due at that time. The fact that the men were on the main track and were approaching an express train which was known to be due, lends an air of mystery to the unhappy occurrence. 

            Who the Men Are.

 Mr. A. A. Laudell is a farmer who resides about a mile from Walker's Station, which is about eight miles from Providence Forge.

 William Winfred, the negro track walker, is highly spoken of by railroad men. They say he was a good and careful employee and they cannot understand how he rushed willingly into the very jaws of death. He was familiar they say with the time of passing trains and was a temperate man in his habits.

The accident occurred about 4:40 P.M. 

The bodies of the unfortunate men were turned over to the Coroner, who will summons a Jury this morning. It is said that no blame attaches to the Engineer Chalkley of the railroad.

-The Times Dispatch, July 5, 1905

More on Engineer Chalkey soon

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A Lonely Road and Two Foot-pads



"Truthful Jeems" Tells a Remarkable Story of a Hold up in New Kent

Roxbury. Va.. July 28.
 Messrs. C. D. Binns and Bryan Ewan, of this place, who were held up Friday night, in a lonely road by two foot-pads, while returning from a visit to some young ladies, is yet in a nervous state. Not thinking of any danger, leisurely singing some love song, feeling good perhaps from some sweet word spoken by their lady love. When in a dark spot a call to halt was heard from the bushes followed by two shots, the young men became frightened and they ran several miles. More shots were fired when young Mr. Binns fell prostrate upon the ground crying he was shot, but fortunately he was only frightened. Young Ewan left his friend calling for help. The shots out on the midnight air and the calling for help by young Ewan woke up the neighborhood. Soon all quieted down and Mr. Binns go home safe, but lost a pair of gold rimmed spectacles and a fine watch charm. A searching party found young Ewan the next morning hatless and shoeless, in a hallow tree. The young men say they will stay home at nights and the girls will come and see them.

  - Virginia Gazette, August 1, 1908