An Annex from
Navy Department,
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Naval History Division,
Washington, D.C.
The Confederate Army and Navy found it expedient at times to construct
barricade at strategic points in inland waterways to permit the escape
During the first half of 1862, two areas of Virginia, Croatan Sound and
of their forces, prevent captures, and impede the Federal advance.
the Pamunkey River, were obstructed with numerous ships which were
served briefly as transport. Varied sizes and types of ships, having
seized from private owners specifically for this purpose, or which had
little if any previous service were loaded with stone and sand, or
CSA, and employed to carry provisions and supplies while the arrny was
filled with dirt, then towed to a designated spot and sunk as a hazard
to all craft that passed.
The following ships were seized by forces under Gen. J. E. Johnston,
on the Pamunkey River. Most of the ships were then sunk in that vicinity
at Yorktown. When the army withdrew toward Richmond, the transports were
loaded with Government stores that were discharged at White House, Va.,
during May 1862 to delay Union gunboat.
Ships sunk at White House, Va., between 5 & 10 May 1862
CLAUDIA, owned by M. Williams
LITTLE ADDIE, sloop owned by J. Montgomery
Ships destroyed at Cooke's Island 5 & 10 May 1862
AMERICAN COASTER, schooner owned by M. Crockett, was loaded with dirt
and prepared for sinking but was captured by USS CURRITUCK. She was
later used as a Union transport.
DAVID VANAME, schooner owned by C. Johnson
DIANA HOPKINS, schooner owned by E. Phillips
HANNAH ANN, schooner
EXPERIMENT, schooner owned by W. Messick
FRIENDSHIP, schooner owned by Allman and Watts
KING WILLIAM, schooner owned by Sayre & Fleming
J. & G. FAIR, schooner owned by W. Lee
J. T. CONNOR, owned by J. Bagby
JOSEPHINE, schooner owned by W. Dansey
MARY ELIZABETH PRINCESS, schooner owned by W. Lee
MARY LUYSTER, owned by J. T. Bland
ORNAMENT, sloop owned by Crittenden and Post
PALESTINE, schooner owned by Thomas
WILLIAM SHANBERG, schooner owned by W. Messick and E. Phillips
R. P. WALLER, schooner owned by T. Gilliam
SARAH ANN, schooner owned by W. Ward
WILLIAM EDWARD, schooner owned by J. and W. Thomas
Ships destroyed at Garlick's landing Between 5 & 10 May 1862
JENNY LIND, schooner owned by J. F. New & Co.
STAR, owned by S. Moon
Ships Burned Near Indian Town Between 5 & 10 May 1862
WAY, schooner owned by Gresham and Bagby
Ships burned at Newcastle on 17 May 1862
MARGARET SCHULTZ, owned by Harrenn and Ballown
O. WHITMOND, owned by J. Wright
WATCHMAN, owned by J. Brown
WALTON, owned by J. Warring
WAVE, owned by R. Howard
WILLIAM S. RYLAND, owned by W. Berkley
Ships burned at Cumberland between 5 & 10 May 1862
CALIFORNIA, schooner owned by Blassingham
CAROLINE BAKER, schooner owned by F. and C. Post
Ships sunk near Bassett's Landing on 17 May 1862
ALERT, owned by A. West
BETTY RICHARD, owned by W. Smith
ANN BELL, owned by W. Thomas
FRANCIS AND THEODORE, owned by J. Arrington
JEFFERSON, schooner owned by Garefoster & Braumly
JAMES BRADEN, owned by S. Kimble
JOHN ALLEN, schooner owned by S. Guy
MARY BAXTER, owned by C. Parks
LITTLE WAVE, owned by T. Hibble
MARY ALICE, owned by Captail Gage
OXFORD, schooner of 85 tons and 7' draft built in 1855 at Dorchester,
Md., and owned by Claybrook and Dobyns.
PARAGON, sloop
SARA WASHINGTON, schooner owned by Moore and Elliston
WILLIAM AND WESLEY, schooner owned by J. Cronmonger
SEA WITCH, owned by J. Robins
UNION, owned by B. F. Gresham
VIRGINIA, owned by E. Lawson
WILD PIGEON, schooner owned by W. Messick
WILLIAM FRANCIS, schooner owned by C. Coleman
* PLANTER, a schooner, was prepared for sinking but was captured by USS
CURRITUCK on 7 May 1862. She was turned over by the Union to her former
owner in recognition of assistance rendered in the York and Pamunkey Rivers.
** STARLIGHT, also scheduled for destruction, was approached while
Potopotank River where she was abandoned. She was seized by CORWIN on 16
underway for White House, Va., by USS CORWIN. STARLIGHT escaped up the
June and sent into Norfolk at a prize.