Young Martha Dandridge Custis

Young Martha Dandridge Custis

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Morris Church

I had a question a couple of weeks ago about the location of the Morris Church that was referenced in the Richmond dispatch of August 29, 1863 as a picket location,"We had pickets at New Kent C. H., Morris's Church, and near Balls's Store, all of these points being about thirty miles from Richmond. " Consulting Malcolm Harris's Old New Kent County . . .

At the time Morris Chruch was part of the Plantation ["Ellsworth", belonging to the Lacy's], deeded to the Methodist Trustees Conference for use as Church for as long as it was used as a church and was then to return to the estate.
Morris Church was used for Camp Company[?] of North Carolina soldiers, abandoned when McClellan raided the county. Mr. Cottrell in 1868 furnished lumber to repair it and it was then used for public and private school as well as religious services. It was repaired again in 1879 and abandoned about 1910.
And from the map Part of the map of the Military Department of Southeastern Virginia and Fort Monroe showing the approaches to Richmond and Petersburg. Compiled in the Bureau of Topographical Engineers of the War Department. 1861.

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