Army scenes on the Chickahominy

Army scenes on the Chickahominy
Harper''s pictorial history of the Civil War. (Chicago : Star Publishing Co. 1866)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March Comes in Like a Lion- "Tunstall's had been a station on the York River and Richmond railroad"

An officer of the 5th Cavalry relates the following:
"On General Kilpatrick's retreat from Richmond after his unsuccessful attempt on that place, the command had bivouacked for the night, expecting to be attacked at any moment, being almost entirely surrounded, as Pickett's division of infantry were following in rear, with Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry on the right, and Hill's cavalry on the left. At 1 o'clock A.M Kilpatrick held a council of his officers, explaining their condition and stating that he was unable to decide what road to take, not being able to recognize any known land mark. All realized their dangerous position and were most anxious for a 'Pathfinder,' which, providentially, soon made an appearance in the person of an old negro. As he approached the camp-fire, one of Kilpatrick's aids said to him, 'Uncle, can you tell us where Tunstall's Station is?' He replied, 'Bress your heart Cap'n, you are within half a mile of it. Tunstall's had been a station on the York River and Richmond railroad, but over a year before had been, with all the surrounding buildings, burned and the rails and ties carried off, and with one year's growth of vegetation could hardly be found by any person not familiar with the locality.
When the colored man pointed out the cross roads there was a universal shout in camp.
The command started for Louisa Court House* and upon arriving there found, with joy and surprise, a division of Butler's colored troops. The boys were then all glad to shout again for the 'darkey.'"

-Michigan in the War
Michigan. Adjutant-General's Department
Editor    John Robertson
W.S. George & Company, State Printers, 1882

*Most likely meaning New Kent Court House

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