Army scenes on the Chickahominy

Army scenes on the Chickahominy
Harper''s pictorial history of the Civil War. (Chicago : Star Publishing Co. 1866)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Timely Frigidity

Unprecedented Conditions in Virginia Rural Parts,


Labor Suspended and Supplies Growing Short in Country,
(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)
HEATHVlLLE, VA., Feb. 14.-The section of the Northern Neck is completely blocked up and cut off from the outside world. Ice in Coan River is about ten inches thick, and no steamer has reached Coan Wharf for over two weeks.
There was a heavy fall of snow all day yesterday and the ground is covered with about two inches of snow. The first mail In nearly two weeks reached here Saturday night via Warsaw and Merry-point.
Provisions are running short, and unless there is a general thaw up soon, it is feared the stores will run completely out of groceries.

In New Kent.
 (Special to The Times-Dispatch.)
OAK, NEW KENT CO. VA., Feb, 14.-
The ferry, from Plum Point to West Point has cut a way through the ice, and the merchants at Oak did not fall to make use of the opportunity. They had groceries lying on the dock that have been there during this freeze, which they could not got away until last Friday, they had them brought across to Plum Point ferry, and were having their goods hauled through the snow and ice, a distance of seven miles, all day Friday and Saturday. The merchants say that they have a supply of goods that will last them a couple of weeks. The great trouble with the working class of people is that their money has, about exhausted, for they have, had no weather tor work since last December. All business enterprises are practically shut down. Sawmills are the principal enterprises in this section, and they have not blown a whistle for the past four weeks. Public schools are also closed.

-The Times Dispatch., February 15, 1905

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